Friday, May 20, 2016

Week 8 bog forum

Topic 1: Technology Innovation

The greatest technological advancement in the history of photojournalism, is the Digital camera. With the digital camera the photographer can shoot longer and faster, without having to change film. Plus the time the photographer shoot his assignment to the editing and publishing is way less than processing film.

Lynsey Addario really stands out from all other photographers. First of all because she is and was a war photographer, also she embedded into the story that she was shooting. The places that she got access to were way more compelling because it portrays the raw reality of war. for example her work in Afghanistan during the US occupation really showed the hardships that the Afghan people were experiencing.

Topic 2: Photo Story

For my photo story Im going to photograph the Sustainable Farms Class. I would like to get photos of the students harvesting and preparing for market and also the selling of the produce. Some close up pictures of the produce and overall images of the fields and the students working. I wont know till I can see the farm.

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